A Comparative Study of “Indigenous Knowledge” and “Modern Science”

JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 25244043


PI: Keiichi OMURA
Associate Professor, Osaka University, Graduate School of Language and Culture
Cultural Anthropology, Comparison of Inuit knowledge and modern expert science based on fieldwork; Anthropological theoretical research on IK

Kazuyoshi SUGAWARA
Professor, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies
Social Anthropology/Anthropology of Cognition
Comparative study of Bushmen knowledge and science; Interactionist analysis of the knowledge dissemination processes of IK and science

Sachiko KUBOTA
Professor, Kobe University, Faculty of Intercultural Studies
Cultural Anthropology
Comparative study of MS and Aboriginal knowledge in Australia

Associate Professor, National Museum of Ethnology, Inter-university research institute, etc.
Ecological Anthropology
Comparative study of Vezo and modern fisheries in Madagascar

Associate Professor, Osaka University, Other research school
Anthropology of Science and Technology
Comparative study of traditional and modern flood control technologies in Thailand; Theoretical research on the relationship of IK and MS from the standpoint of STS

Researcher, Osaka University, Faculty of Human Sciences
Cultural Anthropology
Theoretical research on the relationship of IK and MS from the standpoint of the Anthropology of Science

Kazunori KONDO
Associate Professor, Kagoshima University, Faculty of Law, Economics and Humanities
Theoretical research on the relationship of IK and MS from the standpoint of the epistemology of science

Director of research at the French National Centre for Scientific Research
Relationship of IK and MS, Anthropological research on IK

Associate Professor, IT University of Copenhagen
Theoretical research in the Anthropology of Science

Visiting Professor, The Open University of Japan
Research on the Inuit

JSPS Postdoctoral Researcher, Kyoto University, Institute for Research in Humanities
Research on databases for traditional knowledge in India

Hirohisa MORI
Associate Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies
Theoretical research on the relationship of IK and MS from the standpoint of information science; Comparative study of traditional and modern maps